Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Grade 7 Climbing Trip April 18th

We have our next field trip coming up for our EOE 7 group on April 18th, 2017.  We'll be doing a trip to Calgary Climbing Centre where they will have an opportunity to try wall climbing.

Saturday, 11 March 2017

EOE 8 March 13th - March 22nd

Students had a fantastic time on their Wall Climbing trip last week. This concludes the Wall Climbing Unit.

We will now shift our focus to the Leave No Trace Code of Ethics for participating in outdoor activities in a safe and responsible manner.  Students will learn about the 7 different principles and then demonstrate their understanding through a project in which they will apply those rules to an activity of their choosing.

More information on the Leave No Trace Code of Ethics can be found here:

EOE 8 Wall Climbing Trip

Monday, 6 March 2017

EOE 8 March 6th - 10th

Students have been hard at work learning the proper belay techniques, how to use and care for the equipment, how to tie a single a double figure 8 knot, how to communicate with their partners and how to safely participate in this exciting activity.

Students will wrap up their Climbing Unit by finishing their belay testing and putting all of their skills into practise on their climbing trip this Friday!  Stay tuned for some photos from the trip!

Friday, 3 March 2017