Sunday, 26 February 2017


Students are working on their Indoor Wall Climbing.

Last week they covered:
- The climbing commands used for communication between the belayer and the climber.
- The different pieces of equipment used when wall climbing.
- The Single and Double Figure-8 Knots used for the climber.

This week students will learn:
- How to properly wear their harness.
- Proper belay technique

Students are reminded that their Wall Climbing forms and money are due to Mrs. Hunchak by the end of the day on Wednesday March 1, 2017.  If we do not get 20 participants, they trip will be cancelled.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

EOE 7 Feb 21st

We have officially changed semesters and I have a wonderful bunch of new students that I am really looking forward to working with.  We are going to start the semester working on a map project.  It will include demonstrating an understanding of topographical maps, scales, common map symbols, etc...  We have finished working on scales and next class, the group will be introduced to their first assignment in which they will have 2 weeks to complete.


We are currently working through a Choose Your Own Adventure in EOE 9 for our Avalanche Awareness Unit, where students have to work through an adventure with a group.  The choices they make, will determine whether their group is able to achieve a safe and fun trip.  If steps are skipped or missed, it will make their trip more perilous.

In addition, we have our snowshoe field trip coming up on March 1st.  We hope to have everyone attend for an amazing trip into Kananaskis.  Although our unit is Avalanche Awareness, the area that we travel to, Hogarth Lakes, is not at risk for avalanches.  It provides us with some equipment to practice our skills, as it has buried beacons that we can search for.  If you have questions, please feel free to email me at