Wednesday, 3 May 2017


Grade 7's will be finishing up their Climbing unit this week as we are currently reviewing all of the material we have covered in the last three weeks.  Students should expect to have their quiz on Tuesday May 9th.

Material covered
- Types of Climbing (Sport, Traditional, Bouldering, Via Ferrata, etc...)
- Climbing Commands
- Harness Components and Safety Checks for Wearing One
- Knots
- Safety Checks for Climber and Belayer
- 10 key pieces of climbing equipment
- Lowering Position

Grade 7 Climbing Field Trip Photos 2

Grade 7 Climbing Field Trip Photos

Tuesday, 2 May 2017


Grade 9 students will participate in their cooking lab Wednesday in preparation for their camp trip coming up on May 24th-26th.  I am super excited for the trip and hope the students are as well.  We have just finished up on our camp project and students will need to hand it in on May 8th.  Camp food menus will also be due next week.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email Mr. Groves at

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Grade 7 Climbing Trip April 18th

We have our next field trip coming up for our EOE 7 group on April 18th, 2017.  We'll be doing a trip to Calgary Climbing Centre where they will have an opportunity to try wall climbing.

Saturday, 11 March 2017

EOE 8 March 13th - March 22nd

Students had a fantastic time on their Wall Climbing trip last week. This concludes the Wall Climbing Unit.

We will now shift our focus to the Leave No Trace Code of Ethics for participating in outdoor activities in a safe and responsible manner.  Students will learn about the 7 different principles and then demonstrate their understanding through a project in which they will apply those rules to an activity of their choosing.

More information on the Leave No Trace Code of Ethics can be found here:

EOE 8 Wall Climbing Trip

Monday, 6 March 2017

EOE 8 March 6th - 10th

Students have been hard at work learning the proper belay techniques, how to use and care for the equipment, how to tie a single a double figure 8 knot, how to communicate with their partners and how to safely participate in this exciting activity.

Students will wrap up their Climbing Unit by finishing their belay testing and putting all of their skills into practise on their climbing trip this Friday!  Stay tuned for some photos from the trip!

Friday, 3 March 2017

Sunday, 26 February 2017


Students are working on their Indoor Wall Climbing.

Last week they covered:
- The climbing commands used for communication between the belayer and the climber.
- The different pieces of equipment used when wall climbing.
- The Single and Double Figure-8 Knots used for the climber.

This week students will learn:
- How to properly wear their harness.
- Proper belay technique

Students are reminded that their Wall Climbing forms and money are due to Mrs. Hunchak by the end of the day on Wednesday March 1, 2017.  If we do not get 20 participants, they trip will be cancelled.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

EOE 7 Feb 21st

We have officially changed semesters and I have a wonderful bunch of new students that I am really looking forward to working with.  We are going to start the semester working on a map project.  It will include demonstrating an understanding of topographical maps, scales, common map symbols, etc...  We have finished working on scales and next class, the group will be introduced to their first assignment in which they will have 2 weeks to complete.


We are currently working through a Choose Your Own Adventure in EOE 9 for our Avalanche Awareness Unit, where students have to work through an adventure with a group.  The choices they make, will determine whether their group is able to achieve a safe and fun trip.  If steps are skipped or missed, it will make their trip more perilous.

In addition, we have our snowshoe field trip coming up on March 1st.  We hope to have everyone attend for an amazing trip into Kananaskis.  Although our unit is Avalanche Awareness, the area that we travel to, Hogarth Lakes, is not at risk for avalanches.  It provides us with some equipment to practice our skills, as it has buried beacons that we can search for.  If you have questions, please feel free to email me at

Monday, 30 January 2017

EOE 8 January 30- February 2

This is the final week of the semester.  Students will be working on some communication and teamwork activities to wrap up the term.

New options will begin on Monday February 6th.  Students will have to listen to announcements in March and April for the upcoming Mountain Biking Trip.

Sunday, 22 January 2017

EOE 8 January 23 - January 27

We will be outside this week!  Please make sure that you check the forecast and dress appropriately for the weather! This includes a warm jacket, toque, mittens and proper footwear for being out in the snow!

Students will be working on some communication and leadership activities in small groups. It will be a fun way to wrap up the semester!

Sunday, 15 January 2017

EOE 8 - January 16th - 20th

This week in EOE, students will finish presenting their Leave No Trace Projects to their classmates.

We will also be discussing the Mountain Biking Trip that has been booked for Monday May 8, 2017 and getting the required information needed for getting students put into groups based on their skill level. If you are available to help supervise, please contact Mrs. Hunchak.

** Just a reminder that report cards go home January 31st  and that Term 1 ends February 2nd **

Thursday, 12 January 2017

EOE 7 (January 12th -January 19th)

We have been working through understanding topographical maps.  We have spent time learning what contour lines represent and how we calculate trip distance using the scale on the map.  Students will now create their own map for a national park they will create.  It will have to meet certain criteria and will have a four classes to complete it.

EOE 9 (January 8th - January 31st)

Currently we are working through our Avalanche Awareness unit, which will culminate in our Snowshoe trip.  Our Snowshoe trip has moved to early March.
We will look at the snowpack, how it changes and why.  We'll talk about route planning, what terrain traps are and how to avoid them.  Later we'll discuss the gear you use in the backcountry and steps that are involved in saving someone who might be caught in an avalanche.
This is a simple introduction.  This is not meant as a comprehensive class.  Students should not head into the backcountry without a more involved class.

Saturday, 7 January 2017

EOE 8 January 9th to January 13

This week, students will be presenting their Leave No Trace projects to the rest of the class.

Students will be asked to volunteer and then after those who wish to present have gone, the remaining students will be picked at random, so all students must be prepared to present!

A reminder that ALL assignments must be handed in no later than Friday January 13th. Students were informed before winter break what they still need to hand in.  Marks have been posted to HomeLogic so they could also refer to that to see their missing assignment.  All Assignments are posted to D2L and all students have access to them.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Hunchak

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

EOE 8 - January 4th - 6th

Happy New Year!

We are sadly nearing the end of our first semester.  This week, we will be wrapping up our Leave No Trace Project! All Projects are due Friday in class.

ALL students are reminded to check HomeLogic. ALL missing assignments are due to Mrs. Hunchak by January 13th. Parents will be contacted this weekend regarding missing assignments.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Hunchak