Sunday, 13 December 2015

EOE 8 - Week of December 14th - December 18th

Here is what the week will look like for EOE 8:
  • Monday - Finish Practising the Knots and Belaying Technique and completing the Wall Climbing Worksheet. 
  • Wednesday - Wall Climbing Trip: Students will meet in the Fishbowl at the start of lunch for attendance before we leave to go climbing for the rest of the afternoon.  We will be back before 3:30.
  • Friday - Debrief of climbing trip experience. Video introduction of the "Alpine Responsibility Code" in preparation for the Ski Trip in the new year.

Thursday, 10 December 2015

EOE 7 & 9 Assessment

Grade 7 & 9 EOE students are wrapping up their climbing unit and will have a final evaluation for it. The last class was spent in review, as well as we worked through key essential pieces of equipment that are needed in climbing.
The grade 7's will have their assessment on Thursday of next week, while the 9's will have their evaluation on Monday.

Sunday, 6 December 2015

EOE 8 - Week of December 7th - December 11th

The Grade 8 EOE students will continue working on their wall climbing belaying technique and commands in class this week as they prepare for the Indoor Climbing Trip on December 16th (in the afternoon). 

Friday, 4 December 2015


Grade 7 students are just finished up their climbing safety, equipment, and knots in preparation for their climbing field trip in January.  Prior to the trip we'll do a quick review to make sure everyone feels confident prior to departure.


Grade 9 students have been working on their year project which entails them researching an outdoor activity that they feel that they might want to do or try during their own time.  They have to research what is involved in the activity, where you do the activity, where is the closet place to Calgary, what equipment you need, among other important components.

We have also continued to work through our climbing safety and equipment as our field trip is coming up fast.  Please make sure you get your form and money in ASAP.