Sunday, 22 November 2015

GRADE 8 EOE - Week of November 23 - November 27

Here is what the week will look like for EOE 8 students:

Monday November 23- Finish the Leave No Trace Presentations and Hand out Wall Climbing Paperwork for the December 16th Trip.

Wednesday November 25- Wall Climbing Introduction - Types of Climbing, Climbing Safety, Climbing Equipment.

Friday November 27 - Review of Types of Climbing and Climbing Safety.

Next week, students will review the climbing equipment and get to practise using it.  They will also be learning the climbing commands and proper belay techniques.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

EOE 8 Week of November 16th - November 20th

This week, students will be presenting their Leave No Trace Projects to the class.  Students signed up for the order of their presentations.  Students who did not hand in their on November 9th MUST have them completed and are expected to present during the time they signed up for.

REMINDER: There it is early dismissal on Thursday and there is no school Friday due to the Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences.  You can sign up through Conference Manager.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Grade 8 EOE Week of November 9th -13th

Students have worked really hard on their Leave No Trace Projects.  They are due Monday November 9th at the end of class. There is no class the rest of the week due to No School on Remembrance Day and no class on Friday because it is a "Z" Option Day.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015


Grade 9's are wrapping up some basic first aid and moving into our climbing unit, which culminates in our trip to the Calgary Climbing Centre on December 16th.  We'll be looking at harness components, knots, safety checks, safety commands and communication, some common first aid, technique, among some other considerations.  Parents should see a letter coming home near the end of November.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

EOE 8 - Week of November 2- November 6

  • Students in Grade 8 will continue to work on their "Leave No Trace CANADA " Outdoor Code of Ethics Project in class this week.  They have come up with a variety of different formats to represent their understanding of the 7 Principles and I look forward to seeing their final products!

  • A Wall Climbing trip has been booked for December 16th!  Information and forms will be coming home shortly! 

  • Students now have access to the EOE 8 D2L Shell.  This is where they will be able to access all of their notes, assignments and calendars with up to date due dates, trips, etc.  I will also be posting trips and assignment due dates on the Elboya VLC  EOE Calendar so that parents can know what is coming up!
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me by email at  

Thanks!  Have a great week!

Mrs. Simpson