Monday 14 March 2016

EOE 8 Kamp Kiwanis

EOE 8 Camp is a month away!! Students in EOE 8 (Term 1 & 2) have the opportunity to go to Kamp Kiwanis April 14- April15!  Forms were handed out at lunch today.  If your child did not get one, they can pick one up from the Phys Ed office.  There are only 35 spots available, so only students who are in good standing at school, are caught up on all of their assignments will be considered and get their forms in first will be the ones to go to camp.  Extra forms are posted on the EOE D2L Shell if students have misplaced their forms.  

We need 2 parent volunteers to come to camp with us.  Please email Mrs Simpson at to volunteer.

There will be a mandatory Parent Meeting March 31, 2016 in the Main Gym to learn more about Kamp Kiwanis.

Thursday 10 March 2016

EOE Ski Trip was a success!

A great time was had by all staff and students who attended the Nakiska Ski Trip this week!  A BIG Thank You to those parents who volunteered their time to help supervise and make this trip a success!